Guillaume Girault

Berenice Girault

Author & Director, Guillaume Girault began his career in 2000, in a large Parisian advertising agency, Himalaya Agence, as a graphic designer and art director for Orange, Conservatoire du littoral, Pampers,... 

In 2004, he left the advertising world for the cartoon world and joined BLUE SPIRIT Studio as Background Artist and Lead Layout for series such as "Blaise le blasé" (France television - Teletoon Canada), "OVNI" season 1 & 2 (Canal +), "Grabouillon" (France television), "TCHOUPI à l'école" (France television)... TAFFY saison two for CYBER GROUP STUDIO as 2D animator He also trained as a scriptwriter at MEDIANE.

Since 2012, he puts his skills at the service of various associations as a Freelance AUTHOR-DIRECTOR. During the first lockdown he directed "KIDOU" a children's show produced and broadcast every day of the week for the Youtube channel "TOPKIDS". Then he started something that was close to his heart, a version of KIDOU for hearing impaired children to teach them to sign simple words. And UNICEF, TJEKO FUN VILLAGE (UGANDA)

Counselor in social and family economy by initial training, then head of the socio-educational service, Berenice Girault worked with the homeless, Travelers, people with disabilities, vulnerable people, and young people who are fragmented... Passionate about Human, this diversity of approach in my professional career, allowed her to acquire finesse and lace in the analysis of psychological profiles. The knowledge of backgrounds, social and family environments, which construct, deconstruct and ultimately define every human being, today enriches her scenarios and each of the characters born under her pen.

In 2020, while she is participating in the writing of scenarios for animated series, two years later, it is naturally the writing of a youth novel that swirls and resonates in her mind: MOÏRA, like a being buried for a long time in her spirit is reborn, extricates itself, and now unfolds under her pen.

CAPACITY TO PRODUCE in 2D from concept/scenario to final rendering.

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